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Rituals and Spell of Sailing as Soreang Fishermen Community's economic system in 4.0 | Najamuddin | International Joint Conference on Science and Technology

Rituals and Spell of Sailing as Soreang Fishermen Community's economic system in 4.0

Najamuddin Najamuddin, A I Kesuma, Bustan Bustan


Modernization of fishing gear usually influences the pattern of life of fishermen in various aspects especially ethics and technology used. however, it is different for fishermen in Soreang, Takalar Regency, which in the midst of modernization still maintains ancestral heritage in fishing activities. Spells or seaward rituals are still maintained today. this research aims to; Analyzing the conception of the beliefs of spells or rituals of the Soreang Fishermen community as a guide to making a living at sea in the 4.0 era. This type of research is a phenomenological research with a sociological approach to describe the activities of fishermen making a living at sea while still holding on to ethics, local beliefs that are continuously reproduced as a belief in making a living at seaThe main data collection in this study is field observations and analyzing various documents in the fishing community that are considered relevant to this research. the results showed that, the concept of spell beliefs and rituals was continuously reproduced as a belief capable of surviving and being the driving force of the fishing community in carrying out seagoing activities until the 4.0 era

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