Advertisements and Representation of Muslimah Beauty: Sunsilk Hijab Shampoo (International Product) and Sariayu Hijab Shampoo (Local Product)

Kinanti Resmi Hayati, Nadia Afdholy, Terra Bellatrix Aden Nashahta


Advertising is not merely understood as a message to encourage the public to be interested in goods offered in mass media, but also can be represented. This study aims to compare the representation of Muslimah beauty in Sunsilk Hijab and Sariayu Hijab shampoo advertisements. The study was conducted using descriptive analytical methods. Based on the research conducted, this research shows that beauty representation in Sunsilk Hijab and Sariayu Hijab Shampoo advertisement do not limit women to do many activities. Beautiful women are who wearing hijab, charming, energetic, brave, elegant, and educated. Both of advertisements have similarities and differences in representing Muslimah beauty. The similarities of beautiful Muslimah portrayed in both advertisements are women who wearing hijab, having Halal label on the product, and universal. The differences are on the woman activities, woman characteristics and brand ambassador

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