Analisis Pemberian Nama Unik Pada Makanan Menurut Marketing Syari’ah

Roby Muhammad, Lailatul Qadariyah


Current development will be progressing rapidly which is quite give a big impact on the surrounding community. One of these advances is in the culinary field. Various kinds of modern foods have been served by food businesses in unique and different ways with the aim and purpose of attracting consumers to buy their products, especially the younger generation who are very enthusiastic about innovations in all fields. However, this still needs to be reviewed from the sharia principles that have been established for creating the benefit of all people. This research uses descriptive qualitative method. The result of this research is that giving a unique name to the Mie Perang restaurant which is reviewed in sharia marketing is in accordance with sharia marketing or sharia principles. The owner of Mie Perang restaurant gave the unique name of Mie Perang by considering the benefit for all people and the surrounding environment, and based on his life experience that can motivate others. In addition, it also prioritizes ethics or morals considering that in the Bangkalan area many Islamic boarding schools have been established.


Keywords: brand, sharia marketing, giving name in marketing sharia

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