Praktik Jual Beli Furniture Ditinjau Dari Akad Istishnā’ Dan Prinsip Etika Bisnis Islam

Diana Kurniawati, Mohamad Ali Hisyam


In a business, it is inseparable from the problems that are carried out by business actors or consumers, one of which is in the furniture business, especially those related to the problem of late payments and replacement of wood raw materials that are not in accordance with orders. Starting from this problem, this research discusses the practice of buying and selling furniture in terms of the Istishnā contract and the principles of Islamic business ethics. Many business actors do not comply with the Istishnā contract and the principles of Islamic business ethics in carrying out their business. The purpose of this study is to find out how the practice of buying and selling furniture in Catakgayam Mojowarno Jombang is in the Istishnā' review and how is the practice of buying and selling furniture in Catakgayam Mojowarno Jombang in the review of Islamic business ethics principles. The research method used is a qualitative method with a type of field research (field research), the nature of the research uses descriptive comparative analysis. The approach is normative empirical. The results of this study indicate that the practice of buying and selling furniture in Catakgayam is partly appropriate and some is not in accordance with the pillars and conditions of Istishnā'. Compliance with the pillars and conditions of istishnā can be seen from the goods that are the object of istishnā', it is clear, while those that are not suitable can be seen from the ambiguity of the goods ordered. In reviewing the principles of Islamic business ethics in buying and selling furniture in Catakgayam, there are conformity and incompatibility with the principles of Islamic business ethics with regard to honesty, fairness and responsibility.


Keyword: Buying and selling, Istishnā contract, Principles of Islamic Business Ethics

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