Tinjauan Fiqih Bi’ah Terhadap Penggunaan Pukat Harimau Oleh Nelayan Di Desa Labuhan Kecamatan Sreseh Kabupaten Sampang

Ali Fikri Hidayat, Busro Karim


The aim of this study was to determine the process and impact of using trawls on marine ecosystems, as well as to conduct a review of Environmental Fiqh regarding the use of trawlers. This research uses a qualitative approach by observing in depth an issue in the context of time, place, and situation that is relevant to objective field conditions. Data collection is done through observation, interviews, and documentation. The collected data is analyzed to provide meaning and appropriate conclusions. The results showed that the process of using trawlers was carried out by throwing the net into the sea, tying both sides of the net to the boat, and withdrawing after a certain time, usually 1-2 hours. The impacts of using trawlers include damage to coral reefs and the death of small fish. Environmental Fiqh review of the use of trawlers shows that fishermen's activities in netting fish do not apply the basic principles of Environmental Fiqh. Protection of body and soul is threatened due to conflict between fishermen who use trawlers and conventional trawlers. In addition, the use of trawling also does not pay attention to the principles of proper production and consumption according to human needs.

Keywords: Environmental Fiqh, Environmental Damage, Tiger Trawling.


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