Analisa Praktik Utang Piutang Uang Petani Cengkeh Di Pulau Karamian Dalam Perspektif Ekonomi Islam

Yusman Rianto, Dony Burhan Noor Hasan


Morals, aqidah, worship, and muamalah are interrelated relationships, where the muamalah aspect is the rule of the game for humans in carrying out social life as well as the basis for building an economic system in accordance with Islamic values. Islamic law commands its people to help each other. The law of qardh follows the law of taklifi, sometimes it is permissible, sometimes it is makruh, sometimes it is obligatory, and sometimes it is forbidden. All of that is in accordance with the way of practicing it because the law of wasilah follows the law. The contract in qardh is basically a mutual assistance contract. The goal is to lighten the burden of others and is not allowed to take advantage of the contract. Masalembu District is an archipelago which is divided into 3 (three) islands, namely Masalembu, Masakambing and Karamian. Where administratively belongs to Sumenep Regency, East Java. Masalembu District has three main islands, namely, Masalembu Island or Masalembu District. In this practice, there are 2 (two) ways, namely direct cash and gradually in long-term and short-term repayment techniques with a 5% reduction. The practice of debt-receiving money from clove farmers that occurred on Karamian Island. When viewed from the perspective of Islamic economics, this can be said to be a form of usury on debts, whether it is usury which includes usury qardh and usury jahiliyah.

Keywords:Accounts Payable, Clove Farmers, Islamic Economics

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