Pengukuran Tingkat Kepuasan Konsumen Terhadap Atmosfer Restoran Dan Harga (Studi Pada Kedai Skrikandi Kwanyar, Bangkalan)
This study aims to understand the problems regarding the level of consumer expectations of the atmosphere and prices as well as to measure consumer satisfaction with the atmosphere and prices at Kedai Srikandi Kwanyar. Thus, the atmosphere and price variables can be identified in accordance with the needs and expectations of consumers as well as variables that require improvement. The samples taken in this study were consumers who were visiting and had transacted and had enjoyed the offerings from Kedai Srikandi Kwanyar. The analysis method used is the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) and Importance Performance Analysis (IPA). The results obtained based on the CSI method indicate that the overall level of customer satisfaction at Kedai Srikandi is included in the "very satisfied" category. The calculation results based on the IPA method there are 2 items that need to be improved.
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