Analisis Destinasi Wisata Religi Menjadi Destinasi Wiasata Sesuai Standar Sertifikasi CHSE (Cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) (Studi Kasus Wisata Religi Makam Syaikhona Kholil Bangkalan)

Afnan Maherjoyo, Lailatul Qadariyah


The CHSE protocol is a health protocol based on Cleanliness, Health, Safety, and Environment Sustainability. Which is a policy program of the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy as a guide for entrepreneurs, managers, local tour guides and employees of tourist attractions in adapting new habits in the form of guidelines to other tourism businesses to apply guarantees to tourists for the implementation of Cleanliness, Health, Safety and Environmental Sustainability. What is encouraging to carry out research on the CHSE protocol is because this protocol is considered important by most tourists so that they still feel safe and comfortable when they travel during the Covid-19 pandemic. The research method used is qualitative research with a descriptive approach. Sources of data used are primary data sources and secondary data sources, in primary data the data obtained are directly from informants through interviews with managers and visitors of religious tourism to SyaikhonaKholil's grave, and in secondary data supporting data, namely data obtained from books, journals and other libraries. Data collection techniques using interview methods and documentation methods. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be concluded that the tomb of SyaikhonaKholilBangkalan has implemented health protocols well, but for health protocols based on CHSE (cleanliness, Health, Safety, Environment Sustainability) there are still some facilities that have not been provided by the management or tourism manager. the religion

Keywords: Tour, Protocols CHSE, Covid-19          

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