Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi, published by the Institute of Research and Community Service, University of Trunojoyo, Madura. It's a biannual refereed journal concerned with the practice and processes of community engagement. It provides a forum for academics, practitioners and community representatives to explore issues and reflect on practices relating to the full range of engaged activity. This journal is a peer-reviewed online journal dedicated to the publication of high-quality research focused on research, implementation.
The mission of Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi is to serve as the premier peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary journal to advance theory and practice related to all forms of outreach and engagement. This includes highlighting innovative endeavors; critically examining emerging issues, trends, challenges, and opportunities; and reporting on studies of impact in the areas of public service, outreach, engagement, extension, engaged research, community-based research, community-based participatory research, action research, public scholarship, service-learning, and community service.
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi published twice in a year, April and October.
Aims and Scope
Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi aims to provide a forum for international researchers on applied Society Development and Engagement to publish the original articles.
The scope is Society Development and Engagement.
This journal contains research-based community service results such as PAR (Participatory Action Research), ABCD (Asset-Based Community Development), CBR (Community-Based Research), Service Learning, Community Development, and other methodologies.
To submit your article to Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi ;
- You have to register or login to submit your or.
- You can access the manuscript format from the author's guidelines.
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We proudly announce that Jurnal Ilmiah Pangabdhi has indexed by Google Scholar, Portal Garuda, Dimensions, etc

Vol 10, No 2: Oktober 2024
Table of Contents
Muhammad Safir, Akbar Marzuki Tahya, Novalina Serdiati, Rusaini Rusaini, Seftina Fifi Mangitung
Irfa Ido, Sawaludin Sawaludin, Fitriani Fitriani, Sahrul Gunawan
Rizka Rahmana Putri, Haryo Triajie, Indah Wahyuni Abida, Muhammad Zainuri, Hafiludin Hafiludin, Akhmad Farid, Firman Farid Muhsoni, Adyos Bobby Chandra, Abdus Salam Junaedi, M. Sholeh, Mertiara Ratih Terry Laksani, Febi Ayu Pramithasari, Fitria Hersiana Afifa, Tarisa Sholikha Wati, Nisrina Nisrina, Rahman Rahman, Muhammad Sahrul Faizin
Achmad Fachruddin Syah, Khamdi Mubarok, Mertiara Ratih Terry Laksani, Fitria Hersiana Afifa, Umi Purwandari
Putri Nur Choirun Nisa, Runtut Dwi Jayanti, Reza Al Akhiri Al Akhiri, Selvina Tri Wulandari, Tatik Irawati
Herlambang Aulia Rachman, Alfi Hermawati Waskita Sari, Zainul Hidayah, Maulinna Kusumo Wardhani, Nurul Hidayati, Hariadi Ahnaf, Ristrianas Indri
Anis Silawati, Intan Dian Kusumaning Putri, Adyos Bobby Chandra, Wiwit Sri Wedi Pratiwi, Meria Zakiyah Alfisuma, Hafiludin Hafiludin
M. Fariz Fadillah Mardianto, Dita Amelia, Elly Pusporani, Lina Nugraha Rani, Naufal Ramadhan Al Akhwal Siregar, Zidni ‘Ilmatun Nurrohmah, Anggara Teguh Previan, Ferdiana Friska Rahmana Putri
Ana Tsalitsatun Ni'mah, Muchamad Arif, Muhlis Tahir, Luluk Mauli Diana, Evy Maya Stefany