Personifikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Psikologi is a scientific journal in Psychology published by Psychology Program of Universitas Trunojoyo Madura. Personifikasi aims to facilitate the process of interaction, discussion, and further discussion of the development of psychology in Indonesian society. Personifikasi includes topics related to the theme of clinical psychology, industry and organizational psychology, educational psychology, developmental psychology, social psychology, psychology of tourism, and Madurese culture of psychology. In this journal, there are discussions related to the development of problem found in society. Personifikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Psikologi published twice in a year, in May and November. Each article sent to Personifikasi will be reviewed using blind review method and two-peer reviews method. Personifikasi published scientific articles of critical thinking and research results in the filed of Psychology.
Personifikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Psikologi also collaborates with HIMPSI Bangkalan for publishing.
For the author who interest in submitting articles, please register if you dont already have account.

Information For Author and Reviewer |
Diberitahukan kepada seluruh penulis dan reviewer bahwa mulai Volume 15 No. 1 Mei 2024, Personifikasi : Jurnal Ilmu Psikologi menerima artikel berbahasa Inggris maupun artikel berbahasa Indonesia. Informasi lebih lanjut dapat ditanyakan melalui email redaksi Salam hangat, |
Posted: 2024-01-27 | More... |
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Vol 15, No 2 (2024)
Table of Contents
Dwi Siti Patimah, Prilya Shanty Andrianie, Patria Mukti
Raychana Raychana, Vyra Putri Ayunda, Aprillia Dyah Ayu Pramesti, Putri Nurwahyudi, Ellyana Dwi Farisandy
Santa Novenia, Emmanuel Satyo Yuwono
Felicia Christofani Nathan, Arthur Huwae
Yanwar Arief, Ahmad Hidayat, Ricca Angreini Munthe, Indah Yusdanisa
Rahmiyati Rahmiyati, Jehan Safitri, Firdha Yuserina
Anastasia Jesslyn, Livia Yuliawati, Prisca Eunike
Emilia Margalo, Evy Tjahjono, Aniva Kartika, Diana Diana
Nazun Mar'atu Sholikhah, Lisnawati Ruhaena
Puri Aquarisnawati, Fauziah Julike Patrika