E- Journal Gratis

If anyone needs  Research paper or Books
Please search  the following websites:

1) http://gen.lib.rus.ec
2) http://sci-hub.org
3) http://sci-hub.cc
4) http://sci-hub.bz
4) http://search.crossref.org
5) http://booksc.org/
6) http://libgen.io/

7) http://gen.lib.rus.ec/scimag/

8) http://airccj.org/csecfp/library/index.php

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Dengan mengisi kata kunci title dan abstrak dan conteng kotak Filter : Limit to journals with Open Access options.

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Kelihatannya terdapat 2.282 jurnal, namun hanya Edisi tertentu dari jurnal tsb yg free.

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OMICS Internasional is current managing 700 + Open Access Journals in field of Clinical, Medical, Life Science, Pharma, Environmental, …

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8. Directory of Open Access Journals

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The world’s largest scientific articles store. 50,000,000+ articles for free.

11. Portal e-journal langganan Kemristekdikti
ProQuest: http://search.proquest.com
Cengage: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb
– Untuk Pencarian Terpadu: http://ristekdikti.summon.serialssolutions.com
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